The voluntary advisory board
DeinAdieu is the first Swiss independent online portal to a self-determined end of life. It takes on the following topics in particular: drafting up a will, a patient decree, an advance care directive, what is palliative care and how to plan a funeral. DeinAdieu offers editorial content as well as online tools and services. It […]
Palliative care for children can last for years
PD Dr. med. Eva Bergsträsser is the head of the palliative care department at the University Children’s Hospital Zurich. She and her team care for critically ill and dying children and accompany their siblings and relatives through the difficult time. She spoke to DeinAdieu about her work. She talked about living and dying.
Interview mit Helsana Gesundheitspolitiker zum Thema Kostenübernahme von Palliative Care
Im neuen Online-Ratgeber von DeinAdieu werden Fachartikel zu den Themen Vorsorge, Testament, Bestattung, Palliative Care, Spiritual Care sowie Trauern und Erinnern publiziert.
Blog-Beitrag mit Dr. med. Roland Kunz, Palliativmediziner, Ärztlicher Leiter Zentrum für Palliative Care, Stadtspital Waid, Zürich.
160 ausgewählte Palliative Care Dienstleister – Akutspitäler, ambulante Anbieter, Hospize, Begleitdienste und Spitexdienste – finden sich neu im Dienstleisterverzeichnis von DeinAdieu.