7. March 2024

Pet in the event of death

Rechtlich wird ein Haustier zumeist wie eine Sache behandelt. Es gibt aber im Interesse des Tierwohls Sonderregeln, die sowohl zu Lebzeiten als auch im Todesfall gelten. Was der Tod von Halterin oder Halter für Hund, Katze etc. bedeutet, und wie dafür vorgesorgt werden kann, zeigen wir Ihnen in diesem Text auf.

7. November 2023

Preparing for the event of death: How to relieve the burden on your relatives

No one likes thinking about death. And no one likes preparing for death either. But to ease the burden on survivors, it makes sense to keep certain documents accessible and to make some arrangements.

16. November 2021

What to do after a death?

A death is a great burden for relatives and close persons. Right in the first few days after that, various errands have to be done. In this text we show you what to do and when after a death.

26. October 2021

How does inheritance work?

Inheritance is a complex process. Depending on the situation when the testator passes away, it may consist of various partial proceedings and steps.

17. August 2021

The death certificate – certification of death

The death certificate confirms the death of a person with all important details. It is a prerequisite for important legal steps to be taken after a death. With it, the heirs can, for example, apply for the certificate of inheritance and organise the funeral.

26. January 2021

How to create an obituary

Many mourners wish to honour a deceased person appropriately. According to a long Swiss tradition, this often occurs in public obituaries, not least in newspapers.

8. August 2017

Death and no relatives left – who is responsible?

If the deceased person has no relatives, the municipality initially organises the funeral. However, if it turns out that the deceased person does have relatives, they will be charged with the funeral costs.

20. July 2017

Do contracts end automatically in the event of death?

Contracts don’t just automatically end when a loved one passes away. So it is important to notify contractors and properly terminate contracts. In the event of death, there are special termination options in some cases.

19. July 2017

Notify the bank and post office in the event of death

When a testator dies, you must report the death to all institutions and banks. The post office is also to be informed of the death. We recommend leaving a bank account open for settling the estate.