Our Focus:
- The comparison shows: DeinAdieu.ch has the most website visitors and the highest search result position for the search term “write my will”. At a modest price, it offers a will generator, CRM connectivity, webinars, and lead generation widgets for organizations’ websites.
- A Swiss association and two companies promise useful digital legacy marketing services to members and subscribers, respectively. Our comparison shows: According to Switzerland’s leading online inheritance platform, the ZEWO Foundation, DeinAdieu offers the most comprehensive service.
DeinAdieu is “the first Swiss online portal for a self-determined end of life”.
The offer by moribono.com is “specialized in the development of web applications on Swiss inheritance law and the new Adult Protection Act”.
The Allianz für das Gemeinwohl wants to “create the conditions for a much larger share of inherited wealth to benefit the non-profit sector compared to today.” To achieve this, the association “raises public awareness with a digital campaign and generates contacts for the organizations.”
Which (digital) solution to choose?
While evaluating software soludions, fundraisers inevitably ask themselves: Which legacy marketing platform should I rely on to efficiently and cost-effectively attract legacies and inheritances for my own organization? The following comparison provides answers to this question and considers the three Swiss providers of legacy marketing solutions mentioned above. In addition to digital solutions, they also offer offline services, such as events and legal advice.
DeinAdieu.ch is one of the two most important platforms for NGOs
Good to know: When non-governmental organizations (NGOs) or charitable aid organizations use third party internet services, it is primarily those platforms from which they hope to receive contributions from funding foundations or bequests from legacies. Most significant for aid organizations in Switzerland are the foundation platform Fundraiso.ch and the legacy marketing portal Deinadieu.ch.
Classic crowdfunding and donation platforms such as Kickstarter, Givengain, Crowdify, Wemakeit or Spendenbuch, on the other hand, have no significance for most aid organizations. They focus on individual donations. This is shown in a study by the Swiss foundation ZEWO entitled “Digital Donations 2021 (PDF)“.

The ZEWO study proves that, in 2020, the 267 aid organisations in Switzerland taking part in the study received more than double the number of donations via their own websites compared to before the COVID pandemic. As such, digital fundraising is becoming increasingly important in Switzerland and an organisation’s own website is an important tool for collecting donations and legacy fundraising.
Huge potential in the field of legacies and inheritances
Swiss aid organizations received 2.05 billion Swiss francs in donations in 2021. This is shown by the ZEWO statistics. Of this amount, 220 million Swiss francs went to ZEWO-approved organizations, by way of legacies or bequests. 220 million sounds like a lot of money. But Swiss economics professor Marius Brülhart of the University of Lausanne estimates that the population in Switzerland inherits around 95 billion francs annually. This is significantly less than one percent of this inheritance goes to Swiss relief organizations. With the right online platform, aid organizations can benefit from this potential for bequests and legacies cost-effectively and with little personnel effort. But which portals should nonprofit organizations rely on?
The visibility of a legacy marketing platform online is the key factor.
Digital legacy marketing is all about a platform’s visibility on the web. Only platforms with high visitor numbers are attractive for nonprofit organizations to generate new fundraising contacts (“leads”). A website visitor analysis, using the statistics programs Google Analytics and Similarweb.ch, shows:
- DeinAdieu shines in the provider comparison with over one million users per year (see table).
- The website of Allianz für das Gemeinwohl receives less than 5000 visitors per month, according to Similarweb data.
- The campaign website weiter-wirken.ch, which is also maintained by the Allianz, is not listed on Similarweb because the number of visitors is too low.
- The moribono website is also not listed on Similarweb.ch . However, one thing is clear with moribono: website visitors primarily access their online tools via the customer websites.
Complex price comparison
DeinAdieu | Allianz für das Gemeinwohl | moribono | |
Web Portal Description | Service portal for end users on inheritance law, fundraising tools for NGOs | Raising public awareness, studies for NGOs | Digital tools for NGOs and financial service providers |
Price | From CHF 1900 per year | From CHF 990 per year | From CHF 4000 per year |
In a direct price comparison, at first glance, Allianz für das Gemeinwohl appears to come out on top with the lowest “starting price” of 990 francs. This price only applies to relatively small organisations with a total turnover of up to a million francs. Organisations with a total turnover of up to 10 million francs pay an annual membership fee of 3850 francs. When comparing the platform prices, you should also consider the costs in relation to the visitor figures, which can be reviewed independently. That’s because a high level of online visibility comes at a price. Lots of visitors to a platform also means a high lead generation potential.
But what do the competitors charge? moribono AG provides its online software to NGOs and banks and insurance companies starting from 4000 francs a year. moribono CEO Nicole Strausak comments: “The digital tools are integrated directly into the website and adapted to the customer’s design and other requirements. The inheritance calculator, also known as the will calculator, is particularly popular for legacy marketing. As well as an individual calculation of the legal shares and freely available portion, it generates an evaluation PDF including a will template for the next steps.” Other digital moribono tools include the legacy calculator, which calculates your inheritance assets taking into account property law, and a power of attorney configurator. It is used by financial service providers in particular.
With DeinAdieu, an organisation with a total revenue of up to two million francs will pay at least 1900 francs per year. Like with Allianz für das Gemeinwohl, the prices are based on the organisation’s total proceeds but the prices are staggered differently.
A detailed comparison of the 3 services
Web portal comparison
DeinAdieu | Allianz für das Gemeinwohl | moribono | ||
Number of website visitors (traffic) end users | Over 1 million users per year (1) | 330 portraits, almost 80 NGO reports (7) |
fewer reports (8) |
(9) |
Number of NGO profiles | 200 (10) |
39 (11) |
Lawyers/notaries | (12) |
(13) |
(9) |
Website language | D/F/I/E (14) |
D/F (15) |
D/F (17) |
Facebook-Follower | around 2000 followers (16) |
around 200 followers (17) |
(24) |
Google reviews | Score: 4,9 (19) |
(20) |
(20) |
Interactive will writing | (21) |
(22) |
(22) |
Comparison of digital fundraising tools
DeinAdieu | Allianz für das Gemeinwohl | moribono | |
Interactive will writing | (21) |
(22) |
(22) |
CRM connection |
ActiveCampaigns & Salesforce, more on request (30) |
(24) |
(23) |
Quantitative tracking tools |
14 parameters (26) |
(24) |
(27) |
Lead generation |
(28) |
(24) |
(29) |
Page ranking of your own organisation |
(31) |
(24) |
(24) |
Additional lead generation widgets |
(32) |
(24) |
(24) |
White label tools |
(from March 2023) |
(24) |
Adaptation to the organisation’s design and other requirements (33) (33) |
Comparison of additional services for NGOs
DeinAdieu | Allianz für das Gemeinwohl | moribono | |
Legacy fundraising communication |
(34) |
(24) |
(24) |
Webinars |
(35) |
(24) |
(24) |
Legacy events for donors |
(36) |
(24) |
(24) |
Free advice |
(37) |
(38) |
(24) |
Publication of studies |
(39) |
(40) |
(24) |
As well as price and online visibility, we need to decide which services are useful to an organisation. Each organisation may be interested in a different solution. The comparison demonstrates that the Swiss market leader, DeinAdieu, offers the most services. The comparatively high number of 200 platform subscribers also shows that the DeinAdieu services are used by the majority of the organisations.
Last updated: 24 January 2023
*All information in the table and text has been compiled according to the best of our knowledge using publicly-available website information. moribono AG and the “Allianz für das Gemeinwohl” association were invited in writing to comment. “Allianz für das Gemeinwohl” did not wish to confirm the correctness of the details. The website operators, EMNA Web AG, and the blog author, Bernhard Bircher-Suits from FundCom AG, do not accept any liability. This text does not constitute advice nor replace the need to individually investigate the specific providers which are mentioned. Changes may be made at any time. Despite taking great care, we cannot exclude the possibility of errors in the content.
(1) Over 1 million users per year (2022, Source: Google Analytics & Similarweb)
(2) Under 5000 monthly users of https://allianzgemeinwohl.ch/, Source: Similarweb; no indexing by Similarweb of weiter-wirken.ch due to low traffic
(3) Traffic is generated on customer websites
(4) Almost 500 legal advice articles, 200 legal FAQs
(5) Three explanatory videos, 12 Q&As, sample versions
(6) No content for end users, all digital tools are legally evaluated
(7) Over 330 portraits, just under 80 NGO reports
(8) 6 video stories
(9) Not available
(10) Over 200 NGO profiles with contacts, images, key data and interactive functions (will writing, free advice)
(11) 39 NGO profiles with contacts, images and descriptions
(12) Almost 60 inheritance law experts can be found via profiles, approx. 30% of which in close cooperation (events) and 20% with free advice for NGOs (internal list)
(13) The website https://allianzgemeinwohl.ch/ mentions collaboration with notaries. There is nothing on the website for end users.
(14) Entire tool translated into D/F/I/E, majority of the websites (landing pages, advice, FAQs, reports) translated into D/F/I/E,
(15) Available in D and F;15b: moribono: inheritance calculator in D/F/I/E
(16) Under 2000 followers
(17) Over 200 followers
(19) >> 50 reviews etc. from fundraisers (20) No reviews
(20) No reviews
(21) Preparation of legally-valid templates
(22) Allianz: No templates can be prepared via the portal; moribono: no templates can be prepared via the portal; moribono: legally-evaluated tools for the organisations’ websites. The will template tool is currently being further optimised with regard to design and user-friendliness
(23) On customer request, this is possible via the interface, XML upload or widget
(24) Not available
(26) Real-time tracking of reach, impressions, clicks, conversions (total of 14 parameters)
(27) Simple evaluations and integration of Google Tag Manager possible
(28) Support for leads: e-mail address or personal details are enforced. Email address is verified. The lead is automatically qualified (considering traffic source, time, opt-out/data protection etc.)
(29) Not possible to voluntarily provide email address after closing
(30) Connection to Active Campaigns and Salesforce possible, further integrations are pending
(31) Manual page ranking using 14 individual criteria, ranking of all partner organisations
(32) Further widgets generate leads for NGOs: free initial advice, donations in someone’s memory, living will, power of attorney.
(33) The moribono tools can be integrated into the organisation’s website without showing their source (white label approach) and they can be adapted to the organisation’s requirements
(34) Dozens of templates (letters, emails etc.) for donor communication
(35) Regular webinars on the topic of legacy fundraising
(36) Annual legacy events in Zürich, Bern, Basel, Lucerne and Geneva for 30 to 40 NGOs
(37) Around 100 free initial advice sessions provided in the launch year (2022) for potential donors (
(38) There is mention of collaboration with notaries on the https://allianzgemeinwohl.ch/ website. There is nothing about this on the website for end users
(39) First large survey of over 120 Swiss NGOs (study on the use of legacy fundraising tools in Switzerland)
(40) Annual study on the topic of “Wills and charitable legacies”
Author: Bernhard Bircher-Suits, FundCom AG (This article was commissioned by DeinAdieu.ch from FundCom.)