DeinAdieu is the first Swiss independent online portal to a self-determined end of life. It takes on the following topics in particular: drafting up a will, a patient decree, an advance care directive, what is palliative care and how to plan a funeral. DeinAdieu offers editorial content as well as online tools and services. It thereby respects the dignity of all portrayed personalities and stands for a respectful handling of all discussed topics.
DeinAdieu is committed to the following principles:
DeinAdieu stands for self-determined aging and self-determination in the third stage of life.
DeinAdieu draws attention to the possibility of bequeathing a verified Swiss aid organisation through a will, but is otherwise independent of interest groups, occupational groups or institutions.
DeinAdieu is politically neutral and open to any philanthropic world view.
DeinAdieu is not committed to any religion or denomination, but offers insights into a wide variety of mourning traditions and farewell rituals.
Solidarity with the terminally ill
DeinAdieu is committed to promoting the best possible quality of life and access to palliative care for all those affected.
Our advisory board
The following nonprofit advisory boards support DeinAdieu with the realisation of its principles and vision. They contribute to promoting self-determination in Switzerland with their experience, knowledge and network.

Dr. med. Roland Kunz
Medical Director Palliative Care Centre
Former Head Physician University Hospital for Acute Geriatrics
City hospital Waid
«Death is a reality. We must accept that.»

Prof. Dr. Regina Aebi-Müller
Professorship Private Law and Comparative Private Law
at the University of Lucerne
Head of National Research Programme
«We have to be more aware of the needs of the terminally ill – and this of course also includes protection from external determination.»

Dr. Ruth Baumann-Hölzle
Co-founder and head of Dialog Ethik, Institute
for Ethics in Health Care
Member of the
Cantonal Ethics Committee Zurich
«A detailed patient decree encourages you to deal with a number of decisions with far-reaching implications.»