At the Mathilde Escher Foundation, DeinAdieu met Marc who has muscular dystrophy. He is one of the oldest people with this terminal illness. This encounter left its marks. «Your optimistic outlook made a deep impression on me», says the author.
Happy moments were rare in the past two months. If I had looked for them, I don’t know if I would have found them. So it was a moment of happiness that began with laughter and smiles. A moment that brought me and photographer Paolo Foschini light-heartedness and happiness and that helped us have a […]
The need was great, the misery was glaring. Karina Rey found herself unable to close her eyes to what was going on in the rain forest of Cameroon. She felt a need to help alleviate the suffering. The employee of Fairmed speaks with DeinAdieu about her commitment to the poorest of the poor.