Happy moments were rare in the past two months. If I had looked for them, I don’t know if I would have found them. So it was a moment of happiness that began with laughter and smiles. A moment that brought me and photographer Paolo Foschini light-heartedness and happiness and that helped us have a […]
PD Dr. med. Eva Bergsträsser is the head of the palliative care department at the University Children’s Hospital Zurich. She and her team care for critically ill and dying children and accompany their siblings and relatives through the difficult time. She spoke to DeinAdieu about her work. She talked about living and dying.
Walter Huber is fascinated by trains. He is a member of the Verein Zürcher Museumsbahn (ZMB), has trained as a shunting locomotive driver and cooks for guests on the historic railway whilst they travel on the train through the centre of Zürich.